BDCF’s Arbor Day Tree Lottery Winners Announced!

May 13th, 2024 - The Village of Brown Deer held its annual Arbor Day tree planting event celebrating its 28th consecutive year as a designated Tree City USA. As part of the tradition, the Brown Deer Community Foundation gave away five new trees as part of a lottery that received 100+ entries. We also thank Wachtel Tree Science for presenting a great hands-on demo of how to best plant young trees.

We are excited to share the five lucky winners and their winning selections:

  • Mitch Bloom, Easter Redbud

  • Tim Hoey, Prairie Fire Crabapple

  • Pricilla Hightower Thompson, Magnolia

  • Aleksandra Zobacheva, Gladiator Crabtree

  • Tammy Raymond, Magnolia

Image gallery of event can be viewed here.


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